Monumental sculpture evoking the god of water !
Created to mark the 75th edition of the Valleyfield Regattas, Neptune is a symbolic work of art crafted by sculptors Reynald Piché and Denis Poirier. As the god of water and the sea, Neptune is a fitting representation for an event that is held on the water. He personifies the hydroplane drivers, who become the gods of the Regattas during the races.
The illustrated allegory is depicted in the form of an antiquity-inspired mask (symbolic of the helmet worn by today’s racers) of the god with flowing hair, onto which is grafted a hydroplane with its water column. The entire figure is propelled upwards by the force and energy of the water combined with the power of the boat located at the rear of the figure.
The work, which faces the former competition site, weighs in at 9,760 lbs. and measures 16 ft. high, 20 ft. wide and 26 ft. deep.
The sculpture is a replacement of sorts for the hydroplane boat that could once be seen from Monseigneur Langlois Boulevard.